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3 Sponsors



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Alphonse Guaymi Scholarship Fund

Bank Account Holder Name - Wesley Edward Jones Alphonse

Account Type - Cuenta de ahorros

Bank Account Number - 0472982018734

Bank City - Panama.
Bank Full Name - Banco General de Panama.

Check Payment

Would you like to make your donation by check?

Send the check to the address below:

Alphonse Guaymi Scholarship Fund
51 Calle Oeste W.,  Panama, Rep de Panama Zona 6.

(Please mention in the check for which cause you are making your donation).

Education provides children with opportunities to escape poverty, gain a voice in their and experience . But worldwide, more than 120 million children are unable to attend school.

The Guaymi are the most numerous indigenous group in Panama. They are also known by the name Ngobe and are closely affiliated with a small group known as the Bugle. The Ngobe-Bugle (Guaymi) traditionally live in the western provinces of Bocas del Toro, Veraguas and Chiriqui. However, many Guaymi (Ngobe-Bugle) have migrated to other parts of Panama in search of employment.

Most Guaymi young men had some experience as wage laborers, although their opportunities were usually limited and uncertain. Some acquired permanent or semipermanent jobs. A few managed to get skilled employment as mechanics or overseers. Fewer still became teachers. The principal employers for Guaymi were the surrounding banana plantations and cattle ranches. Because government policy after the 1950s limited the hiring of foreign laborers on the plantations, Guaymi formed a major part of the banana plantation work force. A number of Indian families settled in towns to work on the plantations. Nonetheless, the wages Guaymi earned proved illusory since most, if not all, of their earnings were spent on living expenses while away from home.

3 Ways To Help Today

1. Donate

With your help, and the help of other donors like you, we can continue increasing the number of scholarships we are able to award, offering and expanding the many support services we provide prospective students and their families and mobilizing the community to make education a top priority for every Ngäbe (Guaymi) family in Bocas del Toro.

2. Get involved

Be an active member of the Alphonse Guayimi Scholarship Fund so students can learn from you and your experience. Donate the supplies and resources the students need to succeed. Help Alphonse Guaymi Scholarship Fund reach more students who will need assistance to pay for their education.

3. Partner

The Alphonse Guaymi Scholarship Fund collaborates with churches, corporations, foundations, institutions and other partners in the non-profit sector at every level in order to give Ngäbe (Guaymi) students full access to the opportunities an education can provide.